
Book Review: The Intellectual Devotional Health

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I’m a big fan of doing a little bit everyday, pretty much like the drop-in-the-bucket analogy:  a small amount of effort daily truly adds up.  So imagine my excitement when a reader sent me a copy of The Intellectual Devotional Health: Revive Your Mind, Complete Your Education, and Digest a Dose of Daily Wisdom ($16.32, Amazon.com).  The book contains a year’s worth of daily factoids about a significant medical person, term, or concept that played a pivotal role in shaping medicine in the 21st century.

Truth be told, the book is written for curious, intelligent men and women (and precocious youth) who are not within the medical field:  Any book that defines  “anastamoses” is certainly not for the weak of mind, but not exactly for licensed medical practitioners either.  But it’s a great way for anyone with an interest in medicine to gradually increase his or her knowledge, say a middle or high school student who thinks s/he may become a doctor, or a well-educated person in another field simply interested in medicine (think: curious accountants, engineers, attorneys).

I personally am interested in reading The Intellectual Devotional American History, because even though I tested out of American History in college (or maybe because I did!), I am lucky I know when the War of 1812 occurred (har har).   Other Intellectual Devotionals that may be of interest are listed below:

Overall Rating The Intellectual Devotional Health: Revive Your Mind, Complete Your Education, and Digest a Dose of Daily Wisdom :  9/10.  Usefulness: 3/4, but only to those outside of the health/medicine field.  Ease of Read, Clarity, & Flow: 4/4.   Appeal of Cover, Layout, and Style: 2/2.

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Nicki Zevola is the founder and editor-in-chief of FutureDerm.com. Named one of the top 30 beauty bloggers in the world by Konector.com since 2009, Nicki

