
Daily Inspiration: Make friends with people better than you are [at something].

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Friends by yupanki

“You become the average of the five people you associate with the most.” -Jim Rohn

People often choose their friends like they’re running a Bingo Night: completely at random, with little or no thought to it. “We just became friends,” “It just happened,” “We were drawn to each other for some reason.”
Without active thought, you tend to attract people who are similar to you. Think about your five best friends: What do they value in life? What is each of their (approximate) income level? Are you all single, in a relationship, or married?
Granted, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with you or your friends. Yet what I am saying is if you don’t venture out of your natural circle and befriend people who are better than you in some way, you won’t grow as easily.
Take Tim Ferriss, for instance. The best-selling author of The Four Day Workweek read the opening quote of this post when he was 11 years old. He was so inspired (and precociously ambitious) that he begged his parents to let him transfer into a highly-ranked private school. I’m not arguing for private school – I’m a public school graduate myself – but Ferriss attributes the experience to introducing him to opportunities unlike those available in his previous school.
Since I’ve read this quote about a year ago, I’ve expanded my circle to include people with charms and skills far surpassing my own. My boyfriend, Garrett, actually thinks before he speaks.  (Amazing.)  He’s also incredibly intelligent and has big ideas, yet manages to somehow meticulously arrange his sock drawer.  My friend Kim plans amazing events without thinking twice; Marie gives top-notch advice without being offensive or aggressive; Mamie is diligent and dedicated to her schoolwork. And many more.
When you become friends with people whom you admire, something interesting happens – you hang onto their words. You listen more closely. You ask for advice. And when that occurs, you’re actually a better friend.
So seek out people who are better than you in some way. Could be a professional trainer, a public speaking coach, maybe even a makeup artist or hairstylist (after all, you’re reading what is primarily a beauty blog)! Reach out. You’d be surprised how many wonderful people are willing to help – and eventually, maybe even become your friend.
Photo source:  Friends, a photo by yupanki on Flickr.

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