
Daily Inspiration: "Wherever you are, find the joy. Then joy will find you wherever you go next." -Oprah

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I’m fairly practical and scientific-minded.  Yet, at times, certain coincidences completely leave me stupefied or in awe.  For instance, today I was feeling a bit worn out after my first day on a new clerkship in medical school, and then I turn on the television, only to hear this quote on the OWN network:”Wherever you are, find the joy.  Then joy will find you wherever you go next.”
Oprah went on to say it can be hard to find joy in certain situations.  In those times, you need to simply focus on feeling grateful for the smallest of life’s pleasures:  your breath.  Being alive.  The ability to choose to be fully present at any given time, the focus necessary to concentrate on such a process.
Of course, there are certain situations in which joy is not appropriate.  Yet of the four basic emotions – joy, fear, anger, and sadness – joy should be the default to which we return most naturally.  If it is not, there are a couple of possibilities.  Maybe you are dissatisfied because there is something wrong with your work, education, primary relationship, health, or the like.  Or perhaps it is simply that you would benefit from a shift in your perspective, as suggested by the quote.  An excellent way to tell is to honestly ask yourself if you have ever been happy in any school, workplace, relationship, or with your body for a very long period of time.  If not, perhaps making your happiness a priority would benefit you.  Find the joy.
Sometimes people ask me why I write daily inspiration posts on a beauty blog.  It comes down to the same reason you need to actively find joy:  Life is brief, even at its longest.  When something feels right and only benefits yourself and others, there’s no reason to wait.   Start now.
Photo source: Joy, originally uploaded by carlstr.

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Nicki Zevola is the founder and editor-in-chief of FutureDerm.com. Named one of the top 30 beauty bloggers in the world by Konector.com since 2009, Nicki

