
FutureDerm Picks The Best of the Beauty Blogs: Week of June 7

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Back again by popular demand, DUN DUN, it’s the return of the best of the beauty blogs this week!

This week’s favorite 5 posts, in no particular order:

Beauty’s Spot reviews Murad Age Reform AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser. Based on her review and the ingredients list at Amazon.com, the cleanser sure does seem like one you shouldn’t miss. One caveat, though: those with sensitive skin may not appreciate the cleanser’s high concentration of sodium lauryl sulfate, despite even the inclusion of skin care greats like glycolic acid, lactic acid, and vitamin C.

The Indian Make Up Diva reviews Fresh Umbrian Clay Mask. Although there isn’t exactly a plethora of scientific research about Umbrian clay, according to the Indian Make Up Diva, the stuff works for curing clogged pores and blemishes. I especially like the Indian Make Up Diva in general because it gives a heads-up on skin care and cosmetics for women with darker skin tones, which I don’t know a lot about (yet) but will have to treat someday. So this blog is awesome!

Sharnell’s Skin Care gives tips on how to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. Although some studies say that moisturization doesn’t always work, this woman’s personal account insists otherwise. I personally believe that there is truth to religiously moisturizing the skin during pregnancy to prevent stretch marks!

The Derm Blog explains why flaxseed oil makes you look younger. For my personal favorite source of flaxseed, try GNC Cold-Milled Certified Organic Flaxseeds ($9.99, Drugstore.com). The seeds are fantastic and a great source of fiber when crushed and put over cereal, salads, or yogurt.

Nutritionist Christine McKinney explains why you might want to consider a vitamin D supplement. Particularly interesting if you are avoiding the sun and are concerned that your body may not be producing enough vitamin D!

Come back tomorrow for a review of M Lab skincare!

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About Myself

Nicki Zevola is the founder and editor-in-chief of FutureDerm.com. Named one of the top 30 beauty bloggers in the world by Konector.com since 2009, Nicki

