
Guest Post: Skin Cancer Doesn’t Take a Holiday

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Author Synopsis:  Kim is a copywriter who specializes in writing about cosmetic surgery, dermatology, and skin care for the medical marketing company Etna Interactive. A Cal Poly San Luis Obispo graduate, Kim enjoys writing, blogging, cycling, and playing music.

True or false: UV rays are less intense during the winter.

FALSE: Some UV rays (UVBs) are less intense, but UVA rays remain constant throughout the year. With winter skies, clouds, rain, or snow, it seems ludicrous to consider wearing sunscreen, but even without the sun, harmful UVA rays (which are a real cause of sun damage and skin cancer) are still lurking behind a veil of hazy gray.

UV rays are the leading cause of premature aging of the skin. Sun damage,
uneven skin tone, redness, and wrinkles are all signs of aging that can be linked to prolonged UV ray bombardment.

While warmer weather typically means more exposed skin for longer periods during the day, remember that not every inch of your skin will be hidden from UV rays in the winter. Possibly one of the worst places to develop wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, or skin cancer is on your face, which is largely exposed even in the wintertime.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, but it is also one of the more preventable forms of cancer. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer. That’s 20%!

Skin cancer isn’t like a sunburn; it doesn’t happen after just one day in the sun. It’s a gradual process that develops from accumulated sun exposure. Because it isn’t immediate, many people don’t realize that their tans could cause problems in the future. The bottom line is: If you intend on spending time outdoors, no matter the time of year, you should consider a daily sunscreen.

Prevent Skin Cancer Step by Step

Sunscreen doesn’t have to be a hassle. I never used to use a daily sunscreen because I thought it would be annoying to apply, greasy, and smelly. However, I realized it could be easy after I went to see a dermatologist in Ventura County, CA (my hometown) for acne treatment. He recommended that I wear a moisturizer with an added sunscreen. Even a low SPF sunscreen can make a big difference.

The best way to protect your skin is to start with a routine that is simple, repeatable, and doable throughout the year. A daily program as simple as using a moisturizer and avoiding too much sun exposure can help limit your risk—e.g. wear protective clothing, spend time in the shade, etc.—but if you plan on staying outside, keep a small, travel-size bottle in a bag or purse for quick reapplication. My dermatologist says most people don’t reapply sunscreen as often as necessary, which means they get about half of the protection of the label SPF.

Treating Skin Cancer

The best treatment for skin cancer is early detection. Skin cancer is more treatable during its earlier stages, and by using specialized techniques, certain treatments can preserve the healthy skin around the cancerous cells more effectively. Mohs surgery is designed for advanced treatment of difficult or recurrent skin cancers and requires a highly trained and skilled surgeon. There are only a small handful of surgeons who are American College of Mohs Surgery fellowship-trained in Ventura County.

Remember, no matter where you are, preventing skin cancer is important all through the year. Take time to consider the long-term health of your skin, and remember, it doesn’t have to be difficult.

Photo credit: palmfiction – sunny christmas flyer / mailing – artworklocations and services in spain, originally uploaded by swelt.com.

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