
Search Results for: how do antioxidants work – Page 3

Sirtuins and Skin Anti-Aging

Collagen provides the skin with durability and resilience. As collagen production decreases with age, the skin tends to lose firmness and elasticity. Currently, methods used

Can Excess Sugar AGE Your Skin?

Picture: Advanced glycation endproduct pathway. Source: Nature. As you age, not only does collagen production decrease, but collagen itself changes, becoming tough, stiffened, and inflexible.

Spotlight On: Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Alpha hydroxy acid products are the jeans of the skincare world: they have been used for years, but they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. And

Product Review: La Mer Eye Concentrate

  La Mer Eye Concentrate is amongst the newest products of the season. Concentrated with hematite, white algae, and the company’s signature Miracle BrothTM, LaMer

Dairy Consumption Bad coffee nicki
Skin Care

Caffeine and Your Skin

Caffeine, “America’s most used drug”, works on skin in the three primary ways: as an antioxidant (fighting future signs of aging), a diuretic (making the

