
Quick Awesome Fun Fact: Exercise Can Help Eliminate Acne

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According to a recent study in the Journal of Health Psychology, patients with severe acne reported being less likely to engage in sports or exercise, due to reported decreased self-esteem levels.  Yet, this could be one of the worst things that a patient with acne could do, as exercise may actually help to alleviate acne.  According to dermatologist Dr. Richard Fried, M.D. in this month’s Women’s Health magazine, “[Exercise] can save your skin…Exercise reduces levels of insulin and stress hormones, which when elevated, can trigger the production of breakout-boosting sebum.”  

Still not motivated to exercise?  One of my favorite ways to motivate myself to exercise on “blah” days is with time or money I would not otherwise use on myself — that is, time for a fun lunch out with friends, say, or money for something I can afford that I wouldn’t otherwise have (a pretty bar of soap or a new lipstick is always a fun option).  Another great way is through FitDay.com.  I absolutely love their nutrition and exercise tracker, and it’s graphs let me know if I’m on track to meet my fitness goals for the holiday season!  🙂  (And no, I am not sponsored by the site, I just found it one day and have been using it avidly ever since.  I hope some of my readers find it helpful too.  🙂  )

Come back tomorrow for a review of L’Oréal’s new cleansers!

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About Myself

Nicki Zevola is the founder and editor-in-chief of FutureDerm.com. Named one of the top 30 beauty bloggers in the world by Konector.com since 2009, Nicki

