
The Best Sunglasses I Have Ever Owned: Oakley Eternal

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I love a good bargain, so I’ve always just grabbed $5 sunglasses at my local mall.  Still, as an avid sun-protective clothing devotee, I was beyond ecstatic when a reader sent me Oakley Eternal Sunglasses ($120.00, Oakley.com) for review.

I’ve often wondered if more expensive sunglasses are better.  In 2006, the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology determined that expensive sunglasses are “not necessarily better,” although there are rare instances in which cheaper sunglasses have been found to have less UV protection than reported, and some distortions in the lenses.  More expensive sunglasses, such as those from Oakley, usually undergo more quality testing.

I will say this about my Oakleys too:  they are stylish, and they look nice!  I have also found, after a solid month’s use, that they are scratch-free, still in immaculate condition, and yes, being valued at over $100, they are the first pair of sunglasses I have not sat on or lost yet.  🙂

With that said, I am a fan of the new Oakleys collection, which is actually targeted at young men and women, being less expensive than its usual collections.  It’s a way to look stylish and keep your eyes (and the skin around your eyes) sun-free, which I love!  🙂

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Nicki Zevola is the founder and editor-in-chief of FutureDerm.com. Named one of the top 30 beauty bloggers in the world by Konector.com since 2009, Nicki

